Mexican Picadillo

Mexican Picadillo

Picadillo is a very well known dish around most Latin American countries and the Philippines. Each country has its own delicious variation. Mexican Picadillo is a traditional and well known dish. The preparation of this dish varies in each region and I can strongly point 

Mexican Beans

Mexican Beans

Beans are one of the basic staples in the Mexican cuisine. One can enjoy so many different meals by preparing beans in an infinty of ways. Not to brag, but in my opinion, no one prepares beans in a more delicious way than the Mexicans 

Carne en su jugo

Carne en su jugo

Carne en su jugo is a dish, which in this moment brings bitter sweet memories to my mind. My dad passed away 1 month ago, and if ever asked where he wanted to have lunch ( if our intention was to eat out) he would